Lorien Elleman Conference Materials

That takes the BISCUIT! A comparative study of predictive accuracy and interpretability of four statistical learning techniques in personality data, with data missingness conditions

Symposium at the biennial meeting of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences
July 2019; Florence, Italy

Now that takes the BISCUIT! A comparative study of predictive accuracy and interpretability of four statistical learning techniques in personality data, with data missingness conditions

Poster at the biennial meeting of the Association for Research in Personality
June 2019; Grand Rapids, Michigan

Behavioral frequencies strengthen the link between personality and health behaviors

Symposium at the biennial meeting of the European Association of Personality Psychology
July 2018; Zadar, Croatia

The personality of U.S. States: Stability from 1999 to 2015

Symposium at the biennial meeting of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences
July 2017; Warsaw, Poland

Behaviors predict outcomes better than the Big Five

Poster at the biennial meeting of the Association for Research in Personality
June 2017; Sacramento, California

Behaviors of the Big Five

Poster at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology
January 2017; San Antonio, Texas

How replicable are correlations between U.S. state-level Big Five personality and sociodemographic measures?

Symposium at the biennial meeting of the European Association of Personality Psychology
July 2016; Timisoara, Romania

Rank Order Stability of U.S. State Personality across Seven Samples (1999-2015)

Poster at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science
May 2016; Chicago, Illinois

Demographic Correlates of Temperament and Ability

Symposium at the biennial meeting of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences
July 2015; London, Ontario, Canada

Demographic Correlates of Personality Traits at the ZIP Code Level

Poster at the biennial meeting of the Association for Research in Personality
June 2015; St. Louis, Missouri

Personality Change Beyond the Big Five: Personality Aspects, Vocational Interests and Cognitive Ability

Poster at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology
February 2014; Austin, Texas